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About Us

Our Aim: Green Energy for All

GE4A (Green Energy for All) Group is the best company in combining solar energy with blockchain due to its unrivaled expertise in both fields. With a deep understanding of solar technologies and a pioneering approach to blockchain applications, GE4A Group maximizes the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of renewable energy. By seamlessly integrating solar energy with blockchain, GE4A Group empowers individuals and businesses to participate in a decentralized, sustainable energy ecosystem that revolutionizes the way we generate, consume, and trade energy.

"An idea without the will to act upon it remains but a mere thought, a wish without the drive to pursue it stays but a dream, but with the determination to make it a reality, we unlock the power to turn our ideas and wishes into tangible achievements.“

Our Story

  1. 2006

    The FIFA World Cup in Germany and the awakening of the solar industry in China. Yingli Solar, as the main sponsor of FIFA, gained significant attention in Germany. It marked the beginning of the journey into the solar industry for our Co-Founder, Toralf Nitsch.

  2. 2012

    Toralf's team introduced Plug & Save, the world's first balcony module, which garnered great attention in the documentary film "Living with the Energy Transition". Swarmkraft Version 1.0 was born.

  3. 2016

    Solar and consulting, along with the development of the re-USE idea in anticipation of the increasing quantities of used solar modules due to the impending end of the initial EEG contracts.

  4. 2019

    Entry into the re-USE world with the establishment of the RINOVASOL Group. "RE-USE 1.0 before RECYCLING" became the new slogan in the solar world. Once again, an agile team led by Toralf developed a new business model based on emerging trends

  5. 2020

    Cevat Baklaci became our customer, bringing his extensive expertise in the markets of the Arab world. Toralf and Cevat began envisioning re-USE on an industrial scale.

  6. 2021

    To transition the data into a modern software solution and explore the emerging possibilities of blockchain technology, the concept of EAZY.CLOUD was developed in collaboration with Co-Founder Thorsten Voigt.

  7. 2022

    GE4A Group: The foundation for green energy initiatives, uniting people and unlocking remarkable opportunities within the solar industry. The Firefly concept envisions transformative applications for used solar modules, batteries, and devices, while Co-Founder Zeynep Baklaci introduces the buyer protection concept of digital twins, propelling further development.

  8. 2023

    The Sunified Group collaborates closely with the GE4A Group initiative, enabling access to blockchain- enabled billing data at the solar module level. GE4A Group BV pioneers tokenization, eliminating the need for notaries in ownership transfers of modern companies and assets. ENERGY-AS-A-SERVICE: A step towards global justice by embracing re-use over recycling, leveraging our experience with over 2,000,000 modules for innovative possibilities.